Every time you get paid, take three dollars and place it in a birthday jar or can.
$3 from every source of income you receive, forever. At each birthday, you'll have at least $150, yes?
Take one-third of the total and splurge on something just for you that will bring you pleasure.
A fringe benefit of this is the one-conditional guarantee you'll never ever be alone or forgotten or unappreciated at the highest levels. The one condition, of course, is that you have to stick to putting three dollars aside every you take money in.
Take the other two thirds, and open a bank account. Go to the bank manager and explain, verbally or in writing, that this bank account is to be left untouched for two hundred years, at which point the bank, or its successor bank, can take one percent of the total at that point for the purpose of identifying and giving a share of 96% of the total to the poorest three percent of the people within a hundred miles of where you established the fund, provided that each person, within one year of notification, provides a written or printed, (oral list if they are illiterate) of how they intend to use one third of their new wealth to have fun and how they intend to use two-thirds of their new wealth to create new wealth.
The remaining three percent is to be reinvested similarly for another two hundred years. No more than half of this three percent can be diverted to the inevitable legal fees and battles. Anything beyond that portion is to come from the bank's one percent commission for administering the fund.
What a fantastic birthday present to yourself, knowing you'll be giving away -- get ready --billions of dollars - to truly needy people. Even better: these billions of your dollars are produced from EACH ONE of the hundred-dollar annual gifts you buy for yourself. Change the face of the world. Immortality, and real, lasting, benefit to mankind. Thousands of millionaires for each hundred dollars you invest in Man's future!!
ow. Is that a great birthday present to look forward to each year?
Sure, there are different ways to set up a tax-free fund you add $100 per year to. You figure out which is best for your peace of mind.. Isn't it worth the effort?
What a payoff!!